McLantis Dry Offset Plate CTP Processor for Toray Waterless Plate
McLantis Dry Offset Plate CTP Processor duely delivered to customer in service. The CTP is for Toray Waterless Plate.
2020/03/28 mclantisctp
McLantis CTP Machine Installed in Dubai Repro House UAE
McLantis CTP Machine Installed in Dubai Repro House UAE with customer satisfaction.
2019/12/22 mclantisctp
McLantis 2000mm CTS Machine Installed at Graphic Customer
McLantis 2000mm CTS Machine Installed at Graphic Customer with perfect result and utmost satisfaction.
2019/11/16 mclantisctp
McLantis CTCP Machine Installed in Sharjah UAE
McLantis CTCP Machine Installed in Sharjah UAE in a plate repro house. The output result is very good and all customers are satisfied.
2019/10/21 mclantisctp
McLantis CTP Machine Installed in Muscat Oman
McLantis CTP Machine Installed in Muscat Oman with good result. It is a repro house and customer is outputing huge amounts of plates per day.
2019/08/21 mclantisctp
McLantis CTS Machine Installed for Magnesium Plate Customer
McLantis CTS Machine Installed for Magnesium Plate Customer who are using it for hot stamping. By McLantis CTS machine, customer can direct image the graphic from computer to magnesium plate. After et
2019/05/27 mclantisctp
McLantis 6350DPI High Resolution CTS Machine Installed in Jaipur India
McLantis 6350DPI High Resolution CTS Machine Installed in Jaipur India. Customer gets higher quality compared to imagesetting film and other CTS machine.From now on, the decal paper printed is much hi
2019/04/29 mclantisctp
McLantis LDI Machine Delivery to Customer in Korea
McLantis LDI Machine Delivery to Customer in Korea. McLantis LDI is welcomed and confirmed quality and efficiency at Korea.
2019/03/25 mclantisctp